AI, Cybersecurity, IoT, Big Data, Data Analytics, Cloud, Streaming, Serverless, Microservice, App and much more

Gfm Net Gfm Integration

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System Integration


The most important thing is to create a relationship based on honesty, reliability and collaboration with our customers who can count on competent people and always available

Open Source

Open Source

Open source has allowed the emergence of realities such as Big Data and IoT. We believe in open sources and we always use them to create our solutions



We always follow our customers in the realization of innovative projects with the most modern and suitable technologies, supporting them in every phase of the project

We speed out and realize yours projects

The first step is to have a good idea, but the first problems arrive trying to develop it. Innovative projects are difficult to evaluate and, at the same time, it's difficult to find the skills necessary for their development.

We have transversal skills and we can help you to transform your idea in something of concrete.

  • Angular
  • Aws
  • Azure
  • Cassandra
  • C#
  • Elasticsearch
  • Flutter
  • Google
  • Hadoop
  • HBase
  • Hive
  • Java
  • Kafka
  • Kubernates
  • Mongo
  • MQTT
  • Zookeeper
  • MySQL
  • Postgress
  • Python
  • Scala
  • Solr
  • Spark
  • Spring
  • Sql Server
  • Terraform
  • Typescript
  • Akka
  • Docker
  • Xamarin

The right technology in the right place

The problems are more and more complex to be solved and there is not a single technology to manage them.
We believe that the best way to face the new challanges is to combine more technologies taking the best from each of them.

Attention to data processing

Data are by now the real asset of our society. To protect them is a duty in particular when it comes to personal data.
Since May 2018 these data are subject to the GDPR and we have already implemented compliant solutions.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is real and accessible, and we work to integrate it into your projects.


Cybersecurity and GDPR: we take care of security 360°, to protect your company and your customers from unexpected accidents.


The Internet of Things (IoT) makes “things” able to talk with us. Now we can communicate with the objects and ask them to do somethings.

Big Data & Analytics

We have experience with the process of big data volumes. We made it for telecommunications and medical and we can do it for you too.


Cloud is a great opportunity especially for innovative projects in which it's still not possible to evaluate the real consumption of resources.

Mobile App

A tablet or smartphone app can allow you to get closer to your users and optimize the use of your services on mobile devices.

When you cannot measure something, you cannot improve it
Lord William Thomson Kelvin

It's very difficult to evaluate the quality and the reliability about a software. It has infact, differently from physical object, an intangible nature that cannot be observed directly but only trough another software.
We believe that the only tools that can offer the right guarantees are the measurement of quality metrics and the adoption of automatic tests.

From Matera to Milan between front-end development and Cybersecurity

Today we meet Nicola Lopatriello, front-end developer and Penetration tester

GFM-Net and InformAmuse announce a strategic partnership

InformAmuse joins GFM Group, which aims to become a global player in technological innovation and digital transformation. The combined competencies of the companies will accelerate innovation and enhance the offering of ICT solutions.

Interview with D. Ariata

The first of a series of interviews in which we chat with our customers or collaborators to reflect on the meaning of business and collaboration.


The quality of business processes is an essential value for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that aim to achieve high international standards and, consequently, enhance their reputation. SmartISO is the solution for SMEs looking to compete with large enterprises.

Energy Awareness

The first step toward consuming less is to know exactly how much you consume. That's why we want to tell you about the experience of Energy AWARENESS, an ante litteram project that we carried out in partnership with Politecnico di Milano, with Compel Electronics and IMP Industria Metalli Pressofusi.


PrimaToo® Cloud evolves together with Privacy regulations and goes beyond their correct application, improves organizational awareness regarding data protection and facilitates communication with various stakeholders.


We present you Healer! A project created in collaboration with L.I.F.E. to create a system of telemedicine which breaks down the geographical distances between doctor and patient and reduces the stress of an outpatient exam.


Here's SI4RIA! A Cloud application that exploits the potential of augmented reality, IoT, BigData and allows the analysis of data acquired with Data Analystics systems to improve maintenance interventions.

Coaching and Coding

The first in a series of interviews in which we ask our colleagues to tell their stories.


VI-POC is a project Financed by MIUR funds with participation of MISE, in the area of accounting/prediction of energy produced by photovoltaic parks. The goal is to create a platform with a modular and scalable system for forecasting hourly energy production from renewable sources.


GFM Group has joined forces with Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale, Marzotto LAB, Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento, and DIMAI (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) of the University of Florence to bring to life a very ambitious project: to profoundly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the domestic textile manufacturing industry.


Introducing SensMat! A project funded with Horizon 2020 funds and realized in collaboration with 17 international partners. Its goal is to create a monitoring system and a conservation strategy preventive works of art in museums.

Personal eMonitors

Personal eMonitors is a project dedicated to the acquisition, analysis, and processing of medical data, developed for the specific case of individuals with coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, and for patients undergoing invasive cardiac surgery, which can also be easily adapted to the remote monitoring of other diseases.

Fashion, Big Data e Sostenibilità

Fashion, Big Data and Sustainability: ICT4GreenFashion is all of that. The project, financed by the Lombardy Region and implemented with the Intellimech Consortium for Marzotto Lab and Clerici Tintoria Filati, is aimed at energy monitoring in the Industry 4.0 area.


We liked Stendhapp's project right away: making people discover Italy's immense cultural heritage through an app inspired by the famous Stendhal syndrome.

Home BIM

HOMeBIM liveAPP is a tool that helps building dwellers control and improve the comfort level of their homes through the adoption of simple APPs, which interact with indoor and outdoor sensors to survey environmental parameters and weather monitoring.


ALCOTRA is a complex system capable of monitoring the measurement, acquisition, transport, storage, and analysis of data on energy consumption and production from buildings and facilities. It was developed by GFM-Net - in partnership with the Energy and Living Lab Department of the Polytechnic University of Turin - on behalf of the Aosta Valley Region.


The Building Information Modeling Artificial Intelligence (BIMAI) project extends the SI4RIA platform, developed by GFM, with a module based on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics techniques.

Restoration Exhibition

On 10 June 2022 the International Restoration Exhibition took place in Ferrara. GFM participated in the event with a speech on the Cloud and IoT infrastructure for the collection and analysis of museum data.

Industry 4.0 Webinar

Financial instruments and IoT at the service of Italian companies, these are the topics of the Webinar The Internet of Things to face the restart, on the 8th of May, at 11.00 am. GFM will participate to present its DomaniVado app, a tool for the safety of people.


To restart safely, in the second phase of the pandemic, DomaniVado is the app that allows you to monitor failure to respect the safety distance through the use of Bluetooth technology.

SensMat Steering Meeting

The third meeting for the SensMat project was held in web conference (18-19 of March 2019). The meeting made it possible to reflect on the progress of the project in all its parts by connecting all the partners.

Work with us!

We are always looking for passionate collaborators. We appreciate the inclinations of those who work with us and we try to direct them in the projects that can help themself with their passions.

Come to visit us, the door is always open!


We believe that everyone can give their own contribution in the projects, regardless of experience. Everyone can participate in every phase of the project and everyone have to share and support others as much as is possible.

Badge free!

Our work is very creative and it's not possible to evaluate it with quantitative methods such as time spent in the office. For this reason we don't have Badges and we focus everything on the responsibility and passion of those who choose to work with us.

Pet Coding

Have you ever worked with a dog in the office? A dog in the office helps to distract you and to have relax moments even when you're hunting a bug!